Sarah Bryer

I seek to create a more just world by partnering with nonprofit and for-profit organizations to advance equity, learn and grow. For more than thirty years I have worked as a facilitative leader, network builder, agent for racial and social justice, and promoter of intersectional and holistic systems change. I am an experienced, mixed-methods qualitative evaluator, have taught non-profit evaluation courses, and have led working groups on how to use logic models in social justice change efforts.

Core to my work is how I center equity and racial healing — an approach that was refined through my fellowship with the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, where I explored the use of narrative to promote racial healing. As the founding Executive Director of the National Youth Justice Network for fourteen years, I led the organization and its membership through a multi-year, anti-racist change process that incorporated changes in policy, communications, partnership development and internal operations.

After decades of experience as a non-profit executive advancing criminal legal system transformation with a focus on policy, programs and the power of networks to accelerate movements, I shifted my focus to improving our means as a necessary precursor to achieving good ends. To achieve that, I help organizations increase their evaluation capacity and lead qualitative evaluations and impact assessments. I provide restorative conflict management services, facilitate leadership retreats, help organizations set and achieve their equity goals, design anti-racist dialogues and trainings, and coach leaders.

I received a bachelor’s degree with honors and distinction in anthropology from Stanford University and a master’s in public policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. I currently live in Washington, DC.